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Now you can contact friends without a cover for the phone network

Every one in this world love to travel , and some times we go to Remote Areas ,Not reached by the network coverage for your phone becomes out of service was needed in these areas, more than ever, especially if you lost your friends.
And what if there was a natural disaster hit a particular area, your phone will also be out of service and do not benefit from it to communicate and reassurance to relatives and loved ones. 
For all these reasons, and other researchers at the thought of securing communication between people, even in the absence of coverage in a distance of up to 50 miles ... is not it strange?

 GoTenna This research is the result of your use with him so you can communicate with your friends in an area of ​​50 miles.

It also notes the device in the picture is small in size, which is a miniature radio antenna with a range of 50 miles. Where remains close to the Android phone or iOS is contact between them via Bluetooth, so has the application inside the phone easy to control it.

The machine uses low-frequency radio waves to allow users to send text messages or geographical location of the sender to another user of the device goTenna.
According to the manufacturer it uses rechargeable batteries are lithium-ion, which lasts for 30 hours non-stop from engaging, but when not in use it will keep its cargo for up to a year and a half.
And is also a tool for conducting secret talks encrypted and can be destroyed automatically after reaching out and can also send a recorded audio clip. 

GoTenna  designed to withstand the rugged environment of dust and heat, and others. 

Device is available in the United States at a price of $ 149.99 per pair pre-sales. And after that will be sold for the price of $ 299.